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International Work

We currently work with a number of African communities including a scorpion awareness project, based at the UN run Kukuma refugee camp and Kalobeyei Settlement, that was established by Godfrey Sangu.


Deaths from scorpion stings at the camp was higher than for any other cause, even Covid-19, so Godfrey established the group to raise awareness of the threat of scorpion stings and to educate the community about which species of scorpion posed the greatest risk.


We have provided Godfrey's Scorpion group with a range of community development resources and training materials so that they could give the group a formal identity and system of governance, understand the principals of community development and build the capacity of its members to provide a sustainable service to the camp community.  


We are in regular contact with Godfrey and have formed a close working relationship. The group is hoping to develop its services to the community so that it can improve the well-being of the camp community, and we are helping the group to develop an suitable relevant approach. 


We also provide Community Wellbeing Development mentoring to Kamara Abdulrahman who is studying community development in Sierra Leone. Kamara wants to gain an international perspective on community work and well-being, and we are working with him to develop his understanding of community work and Community Wellbeing Development.   



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